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JEE Main Result 2016 Soon Declared By CBSE @ on 27th April, Check JEE Score Card

CBSE (central board of secondary education is soon going to declared JEE MAIN RESULT on and the confirm date for result declaration is 27th April 2016 all the candidates who had given the examination for JEE MAIN and looking for their result can check their result after 2 days CBSE will soon declared the result for JEE MAIN 2016.

Central Board of Secondary Education effectively finished the exam and enormous quantities of hopefuls went to it, not surprisingly. The JEE Exam was conducted on 3rd April 2016 while Online Exam was done by 9th and in addition 10th April 2016 through bunches of examination centers spread more than 129 urban areas. Fundamentally, as we as a whole know JEE Mains incorporate of two papers viz. Paper 1 for B.E/B.Tech containing Objective Questions (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics) while Paper 2 for B.Arch/B/Planning containing Mathematics, Aptitude and Drawing Test. Generally as every year, estimated 12 lacs decided and dedicated competitors went to the exam and since the consummation, every one of them are sitting tight for the result.

For those who're not mindful about JEE – it is a placement test for qualified competitors looking for entrance into quantities of higher courses into prestigious foundations, for example, IITs, NITs, CFTIs, SFIs and so on while related courses incorporate B.E./Engineering/B.Planning/B.Arch and so forth. JEE Mains is the initial moves towards getting entrance into favored courses, so in the wake of qualifying Mains – Shortlisted hopefuls need to go to JEE Advanced.

Qualified hopefuls are told and called further for Advanced Paper and afterward at long last qualified applicants are qualified for their conformation. For the present scholastic year, JEE Main Result 2016 is required to be discharged 27th April 2016 and after that from 29th April 2016 onwards JEE Advanced enrollment 2016 should be initiated and additionally directed. JEE Merit List i.e. AIR – All India Rank is additionally as essential as Result so for the AIR, CBSE is going to pronounce it by 30th June 2016 according to different timetables to be trailed by CBSE.

Among various of applicants who show up for JEEs, most blessed a great many hopefuls get shortlisted for their confirmation techniques. Through such instructive establishments, hopefuls are getting sparkling chance through which they can make brightest profession into craved field. Each of the applicants is sufficiently shrewd to handle on to any open doors, what we have to do is become acquainted with what we really need and buckle sufficiently down to accomplish it.

For that, competitors as well as their guardians and resources are likewise working considerably harder for making their children's and understudies' materialized. Applicants need to look upon the brighter side and sit tight for their results to be released by 27th April 2016 by means of CBSE authority site. Likewise for other most recent warnings they are encouraged to continue looking at web and in addition be in contact with us, we might soon redesign in regards to the JEE Main result discharge.

Check jee main 2016 result from here : 

Step by step guide To Check JEE Mains Result 2016:

Go to JEE Mains official site i.e.

Scan for JEE Main 2016 Result join

Enter: Application Number and Date of Birth

Hit the Submit Button

Result will show up

Check it


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