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PEC 5th And 8th Class Result 2016 All District Wise

One of the major thing for candidates is result when they already given their examination and waiting fir their result yes this is the very important time for candidates of PEC board students for all district because they already given their examination in month of February and now the time for check result here we going to share some news and best resources for check result for all district wise.

Punjab examination commission in Pakistan is established in year 1977 and from that time BISE board will conduct the examination for board class yes in Pakistan 5th and 8th class is board classes and huge number of candidates is appeared every year for 8th and 8th in February month and BISE board is published result in 2 month so here is the time is comes for students who result want to check their PEC 5th and 8th class result 2016 will declare on 31st march so students can keep patience and have in touch with us to check their result.

As we all know that most candidates is not aware how and where they can check their result so here we are going to share some latest news for candidates.

Suppose if you want to check your 5th and 8th result result for Multan and Rawalpindi board so first of all you need to search that relevant board websites and need to check that board is declare result on official website or not suppose on 31st march board announced that result has declared so you need to search on google with some related keyword like "Rawalpindi board 8th class result" or " Multan board 5th class result 2016" and open PEC board authority website or either you have one more option if you want to check your 5th and 8th class result here we going to share direct link :

This is the best way to check your PEC 8th class result 2016 for all district students need to follow some basic instruction for check their result.

>>students to need to browse this website and find their board

>>click on relevant board and find the right link for check result

>>After it candidates need to enter their roll number of registration number and then click enter.

>>After few second your result will be appear in front of your computer screen students can keep the copy of result for future use in hard copy.

Some times it's happened during result time that official website server is going down due to high traffic so at that students can check their result from given link for 8th class and those candidates who are belong to 5th class and already given their examination those can check their result from here for all district.

5th class result 2016

So we wish for your good luck and hope that you all will do good in your career ahead.


Unknown said…
Any one need 5th Class Result and 8th Class Result so only platform provide you this best facility this is because there are many sites who provides us fake results.
Asad Ali said…
According to our source the 5th and 8th Class Result is going to announce on 31st March so that is why if you need to get the 5th Class Result 2019 and 8th Class Result 2019 then you can get it from this page..
Safeer said…
Check Online Here All types of result like entry test and other annual exam result

new news said…
the result will be announced here 5th class result 2019
azfar said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
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Moe Your Lawn said…
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