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HSSPP Recruitment 2016 - 6672 Computer Instructor vacancies Apply Online

Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojana Parishad is putting forth new employment opportunities in type of HSSPP Recruitment 2016 for PC teacher post and welcoming online application on principle entrance website at so those competitors who have sitting tight for enrollment lines to open please keep prepared with every single required record after 22nd March 2016.

Downright 6672 opening are to be topped off through this enrollment drive and powers are hoping to get enormous reaction from each one of those services work seekers. Arrangement would be done on contractual premise so we can't say in regards to lasting open door for same posts would be given or not. It is constantly great to allude official notice with a specific end goal to get profoundly points of interest instead of any else yet only for comfort reason for yours we have attempted to sift through just essential data which are as per the following.

Name of post:- PC teacher and junior educator

Qualification:- Matric, +2 class, BA, MA, B.Sc., BCA,

Work Location:- Haryana

Last Date:- 8th April 2016

Add up to No. of Posts:- 6672 Posts

PC Instructor:- 3336 posts

Junior Computer Instructor:- 3336 posts

Apply Online From Here : >> HSSPP Recruitment 2016 <<

Candidates who willing to apply ought to be matured between 18 to 42 years at the season of conclusion of online application methodology however unwinding is pertinent in upper age limit as indicated by standards and regulation of government to all held classification competitors.


Hopefuls ought to have passed registration with Hindi/Sanskrit or Passed +2 class/BA/MA with Hindi as one of the subject with least capability as DOEACC "O" level course or ITI in electrical/PCs/electrical or passed +2 class standard examination board with one year certificate in PC programming/equipment from presumed foundation identical to DOEACC "O" level course and six month involvement in programming/equipment/organizing.

Choice Procedure: Final determination is done as common to other enlistment drives, composed examination took after by individual meeting.

Application Fee:

General and OBC : Rs.1000/ - + Bank Charges

Other: Rs.500/  + Bank charges

Vital Dates to remember:

Online Application begins from: 22 March 2016

Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 08 April 2016


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