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Check Your Rajasthan University Result 2016 From Here

The Rajasthan college result has been pronounced the outcomes for different under graduate and post graduate courses, for example, B.Sc. Part II (2016), M.A. /M.Sc. last and so on. Hopefuls who have showed up in the Examination directed by Rajasthan University can check their outcome by going by the official site i.e. For the advantageous and simple access competitors can likewise visit our site,, as an immediate connection for the same has additionally been redesigned.

Point by point Procedure to check the Rajasthan University Result-

1.Firstly and particularly, hopefuls are asked for to sign into the Rajasthan University official web entrance.

2. On the other hand they can likewise visit the immediate connection here,

3.As specified before, direct available connection to the passage test results can likewise be checked from the connection overhauled on our site.

4.Open the important connection titled as Result from the landing page or the connections gave.

5.The results accessible in the PDF arrangement can be effortlessly downloaded for the separate courses.

6.The imprints secured by him or her in the outcome or in the passage test will be shown against his or her move number and name.

As of late, the Rajasthan University announced the outcomes for the Rajasthan University Law Entrance Test or RULET 2016. The passageway test was directed or hung on seventh June 2016. Applicants who arranged and showed up for this passage test, can now check the official web entrance of the University of Rajasthan i.e. for the Result of rajasthan college 2016. RULET is a passage test directed for taking entrance into the five year BA and LL.B (Hons) course offered in the Rajasthan University Law College and the B.A, LL.B (Integrated Course) offered in different schools subsidiary with the college.

Rundown of the as of late pronounced result for various courses in different courses is given underneath

Date of assertion name of the course-

1.13th July 2016-M.A./MSc. Last year-Mathematics 2016

2.13th July 2016-M.A./MSc. (prev.) - Mathematics 2016

3.13th July 2016-M.Sc.- last year Botany 2016

4.13th July 2016-M.Sc.- last year Geology 2016

5.13th July 2016-M.Sc.- last year Physics 2016

6.13th July 2016-M.Sc. (prev.) - Geology 2016

7.13th July 2016-M.Sc. (prev.) - Physics 2016

8.13th July 2016-M.Sc. (prev.) - Botany 2016

9.10th July 2016-M.A./M.Sc. Last year-Psychology 2016

10.10th July 2016-M.A./M.Sc. (prev.) Psychology 2016

11.10th July 2016-M.Sc.- last year Zoology 2016

12.10th July 2016-M.Sc.- (prev.) Zoology 2016

13.8th July 2016-B.A. second year

14.8th July 2016-B.A. to begin with year

15.8th July 2016-B.A. last year

Also check : University Results 2016

About the Rajasthan University-

On 8th January 1947, the Rajasthan University prior known as the University of Rajputana seemed like a touch of sparkling star not too far off of instruction of the pre-free India. From that point forward, that star has shone like a precious stone in the sky. With the festival of its 68th Foundation Day, the college has obtained the status of Excellence today. Over these 68 years, the University has overhauled itself remembering the most recent changing patterns of the training framework.


kanika said…
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