Current affairs is the hot topic for every candidates who preparing for any competitive exams not only for aspirants as well as for every one because as we know that current affairs means current news updated news so everybody wants that they updated with current news.
As now a days current affairs is general discussion topic among the people who they don;t know each other so it's necessary to keep your knowledge up to date with different resources like: news paper, radio, internet is very primary resources to get the knowledge about what happening in our nation and other countries.
As we talk about for competitive exams, banking exams there are some small section is reserved from current affairs 2015 questions so guys who are preparing for any competitive or entrance examination here we introduced a different resource which helps to keep your current affairs updates as well as also gives you job alert update.
Wifistudy mobile app for current affairs and job alert for candidates with daily current GK test, GK quiz, aptitude questions and answers and many more a one place so guys no need to keep your mobile away during the examination time just prepare and enhance your skills with wifistudy mobile app for : IAS, NDA, BANKING, GATE, IAS, JEE, CDS etc.
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Here we introduced about the functionality of Current affairs app and job alert app hope you can better understand with the help of below screenshots so have a small look here.
Above images will clarify you about the wifistudy mobile app so install this app from play store and start your study with full of fun.
Topic covered by wifistudy app:
Topic Wise Free Online Test: -
A) Aptitude Online TestB) Reasoning Online Test
C) Verbal Ability Online Test
D) GK Online Test
E) Current Affairs Online Test
F) Engineering Online Test (Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil)
G) Physics Online Test
H) Chemistry Online Test
I) Mathematics Online Test
J) Biology Online Test
Current affairs app Video :
PS Academy Indore
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