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10th and 12th Pass Jobs in Tamilnadu

Hello friends, if you are 10th or 12th pass and looking for job in Tamilnadu, then you are on the right page. For the reason that- here you can get more opportunities to make your career better. Therefore, bookmark this page, if you want to get better chance.

Tamil Nadu state is located in the southern most of India and the most urbanized state. The capital city of this state is Chennai. Tamil Nadu state has lots of Govt Jobs 2015 opportunities. This is the page that provides the all kinds of Tamil Nadu Jobs 2014-15 for the candidates who want to do job after 10th and 12th. The main important thing is that- this opportunity is best only those candidates who have at least 60% marks in their Tamilnadu SSLC Results 2015 and TN Board HSC Result 2015. There is an economical and career growth in Tamil Nadu. It is the most popular state and has the highest populations.

Candidates/students who have holding 10th and 12th qualification get Government Jobs recent recruitment notification. SSLC and HCE Pass candidates called for various posts in Govt Sectors such as Indian Army, Navy, UPSC, Railway, Banking, Under Ministry departments, Police Departments, as well as Govt public sector units.

Minimum Educational Qualifications: Matriculation, SSLC Pass (10th or equivalent), HSC Pass (10+2, 12th, Intermediate or equivalent) courses studied under Tamilnadu Board or Government approved Organizations/Institutions.

10th and 12th Qualifying Govt Jobs Posts: Clerk (LDC), Assistants, Attendant, Constable, Driver, Stenographer, Village Administrative Officer (VAO), Junior Assistants, Data Entry Operator, along with Peon.

There are lots Government/Private jobs for 10th and 12th passed candidates who are searching for the jobs now days. If they have 60% marks in their TN Results2015, then they can easily apply for this post. It’s not like that only graduates can go for the Government jobs there is huge opportunity for the 10th and 12th students. Tamilnadu Government make up various recruitment agencies and departments for jobs in govt. We are publishing here latest update related to your any query regarding 12th Pass Govt Jobs 2015 details which we ware mentioning here that are available in every state India.


Unknown said…
i am in 12th class i want to know more about 12th Pass Jobs 2015
please tell me all details about this.
Ali said…
What is you lost if you give a job to me. i m poor 12th pass. plz help me
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hello Sir,
I want to do job in govt. sector and please tell Is there any latest vacancy for graduate candidates in Kandla Port Trust Recruitment 2017, please reply must.
Anonymous said…
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